About Me

What have I been photographing?
I’ve taken photographs at weddings, musical gigs, carnivals, processions etc and when nothing is going on architecture, and on occassion wildlife.
What I’ve found is that when taking “table photos” at a friend’s gig people have asked “How can I see the pictures?” and very, very occassionally “How much are they?”, to which I’ve had to to reply “give me your email address and I’ll send them over” which has meant another day of sifting, sorting and sending.
Currently I am engaged in taking images for community and music activities. Bedworth where I live has a dedicated group which promotes the Armistice parade on the day. “The Town that Never Forgets.” I do get asked and am very willing to take photographs throughout the year to support their events.
What inspires me to go out with a camera?
I have a friend, a bit of a Diva, I have been taking photos of her local gigs for a number of years, whilst also acting as her roadie!
I am also a member of a Local photography club which encourages new interests and skills.
Bedworth Miners Welfare Park also hosts lots of Community and regular Sporting events which I enjoy attending.
Working with these community groups I have also been conned into assisting at a couple of weddings, these were a little bit out of my comfort zone, but enjoyed them once I was there.